NYCU College of Eletrical and Computer Engineering 電機學院    NYCU Inst. Eletrical and Control Engineering 電控工程研究所    NYCU College of Biological Science & Technology 生物科技學院    中文 English 

竭誠歡迎有志一同參與跨領域科學研究 ( 生物醫學與電機資訊 ) 之研究生參與神經工程研究團隊,
一同研發創新生醫資訊科技 (Bio-IT) 科技,提升人類生活品質並將所學能在未來貢獻於社會。

We welcome graduate students who have interest in cross-section scientific research to join our research group of neuro-engineering.
We now aim to specialize in the field of Bio-ICT. We hope to advance human-being's quality of life, and make contribution to the society.